Zen and the Mud Puddle

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I took my dog, Vivian, out for her morning walk yesterday. Halfway through, she lunged towards another canine across the street. I lost my balance and stepped into a deep mud puddle.

I got angry at Vivian, but it’s on me; I trained her poorly. As the walk continued, I was reminded of what a yoga teacher said at the end of each practice: “May you live like the lotus, at home in the muddy water.”

I often wish I could be like that lotus. But it’s a process, and sometimes a muddy shoe prevents you from achieving Zen.

6 responses to “Zen and the Mud Puddle”

  1. Carolyn aka Mom Avatar
    Carolyn aka Mom

    Lucky you….it could have been something worse than a mud puddle…….


    1. whatsystem Avatar

      LOL! Right!


  2. Charli Mills Avatar

    It’s a profound moment that gives us insight. I enjoyed how this story unfolded and took its place where the lotus flower lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Embrace the Mud « Carrot Ranch Literary Community Avatar

    […] Zen and the Muddle by Jack Keaton […]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Michael B. Fishman Avatar

    Or sometimes it’s a muddy puddle (and show) that reminds us of what’s important.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sam "Goldie" Kirk Avatar

    We talk about achieving zen but we often neglect to mention that the road is not easy. And, once we’re almost there, our rope can be cut and we will fall into a muddy pit. Great illustration of that. It’s also not only up to us; others impact our journey towards zen, too.

    Liked by 1 person

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